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电动道路车辆专用蓄电池 当 前 价: 100/组

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2014-04-30  浏览次数:996


  电动道路车用EVF(DM)系列(新能源系列)1. 系列产品特点: 电动道路车辆专用蓄电池EVM ELECTRIC VEHICLE SERIES专门为小型电动车辆设计,如电动助力车,高尔夫车,轮椅车,割草车,电动工具等,具有长循环寿命,高效率,免维护的特点。DM series is designed for electric vehicles. such as electric bike, golf cart, electric wheelchair, mower and electric tool etc. it has long cycling life, high efficiency and no maintenance. 电池特性/ BATTERY FEATURES 无镉电池,在安全的使用环境时,免保养,免加水,可循环使用 以特殊配方的铅钙合金及全自动化制造,品质稳定 具有优越的安全性,特殊的低阻抗度,回充容易,能量的输出发挥至极致 深度放电后亦可回复充电。在100% 放电循环使用中,可达500 次或更多。高率放电性能优异 电池于制造完成后,经过最严密之配组容量试验 No Cd , no maintenance such as adding water into container for cycle service Using a special lead calcium alloy grid structure and full automatic machine makes productions high quality With efficient discharge characteristics and little internal resistance, this battery can be repeated charges and discharges easily Finished battery with strict capability test for battery group Can be used for 500 or more cycles at 100% discharge in cycle service with perfect capability 2. 产品执行标准: GB/T 18332.1-2009 3. 产品规格目录:蓄电池型  号 额定电压(V) 额定容量(Ah) 最大外型尺寸(mm) 参考重量(Kg)长 宽 高 总高6-EVF-42 12 42 225 122 175 175 13.5(单只)6-EVF-38 12 38 225 107 175 175 12(单只)6-EVF-34 12 34 225 93 175 175 10.35(单)6-EVF-33 12 33 267 77 170 170 10.25(单)6-EVF-30(长)II型 12 30 318 80 125 125 9.8(单只)6-EVF-30(方)I型 12 30 174 165 125 125 9.8(单只)6-EVF-150 12 150 483 170 240 240 523-EVF-200 6 200 260 180 270 275 35.5


  1. 系列产品特点:




  DM series is designed for electric vehicles. such as electric bike, golf cart, electric wheelchair, mower and electric tool etc. it has long cycling life, high efficiency and no maintenance.





  深度放电后亦可回复充电。在100% 放电循环使用中,可达500 次或更多。高率放电性能优异


  No Cd , no maintenance such as adding water into container for cycle service

  Using a special lead calcium alloy grid structure and full automatic machine makes productions high quality

  With efficient discharge characteristics and little internal resistance, this battery can be repeated charges and discharges easily

  Finished battery with strict capability test for battery group

  Can be used for 500 or more cycles at 100% discharge in cycle service with perfect capability

  2. 产品执行标准:

  GB/T 18332.1-2009

  3. 产品规格目录:


  型  号 额定电压

  (V) 额定容量

  (Ah) 最大外型尺寸(mm) 参考重量


  长 宽 高 总高

  6-EVF-42 12 42 225 122 175 175 13.5(单只)

  6-EVF-38 12 38 225 107 175 175 12(单只)

  6-EVF-34 12 34 225 93 175 175 10.35(单)

  6-EVF-33 12 33 267 77 170 170 10.25(单)

  6-EVF-30(长)II型 12 30 318 80 125 125 9.8(单只)

  6-EVF-30(方)I型 12 30 174 165 125 125 9.8(单只)

  6-EVF-150 12 150 483 170 240 240 52

  3-EVF-200 6 200 260 180 270 275 35.5



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